Despite Challenges, 2020 Hay Crop Looks Good
This year was a difficult year for the entire ag community, thanks primarily due to COVID-19. But for Washington hay growers, Mother Nature also made the past year challenging. Andrew Eddie, Vice President of the Washington state Hay Growers Association said mid-spring rains negatively impacted many first cuts across the area, and wildfire smoke presented challenges late in the season. But despite those obstacles, Eddie says growers still produced good looking Timothy and alfalfa crops.
And when it comes to demand.
“Domestically, small bale grass is selling pretty good, it’s pretty consistent I should say. Heading into the winter months, we’re going to see how this winter hits. Some outfits are calling for a heavy winter, some are calling for a little lighter so we’ll kind of see what plays out. As for export wise, it’s kind of all over the board and has kind of slowed down a little bit. Most have bought up their inventory.”
Eddie said the hope is demand for hay will increase in the next four to five months, helping growers enjoy a good start to 2021.
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