The Conservation Stewardship Program is making a few changes.


Acting Chief of the National Resources Conservation Service Leonard Jordan said, “We listened to our customers both the staff employees who work with producers and we listened to the producers and we have incorporated all that we heard into double the number of enhancements as well as double the number of practices that are available for use.”


Jordan said examples include helping plant cover crops for soil and water health and help the bottom line or wetland enhancements for water fowl or pollination practices for bee viability.


The deadline to re-enroll in CSP is coming up in about a month with Jordan noting, “The CSP program is an opportunity for good stewards to even build upon their stewardship that they already have in practice and in place on their land that has yielded greater environmental benefits and in essence has helped improve their operations that contribute to their bottom line.”


For more information on the CSP program, or to re-enroll contact your local NRCS office or visit their website

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