There were many hurricanes, wildfires and droughts last year, all of which serves as a reminder just how important crop insurance is for the agriculture industry.  USDA's Acting Deputy Undersecretary for Farm Production and Conservation Rob Johanson said 89% of the principal crop land area, more than $100 billion of liability, is covered under Federal crop insurance.

"Thus far, payments for crop insurance loses has totaled about a billion dollars for 2017, and we're not finished with the season yet."

Some of the changes for next year include some new insurance options for the crop triticale.

"We just put out another bulletin to inform owners of policies that insure cotton under the STACS Policy, there were some changes there, so I would again point out to listeners that if they have a STACS Policy, or they're interested in changing their STACS Policy, to reach out to their insurance agent to understand what those changes are."

The sales closing dates are February 28th and March 15th.

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