The Pacific Northwest Canola Association will host a series for meeting and workshops to help growers, or those interested in growing the commodity.


The first workshop will take place Tuesday in Wilbur, WA, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


The second will take place Thursday, again from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Clarkston,WA.


Photo: Karen Sowers
Photo: Karen Sowers

Karen Sowers, Executive Director of the PNW Canola Association said from the latest education to networking, there’s something for all growers.


"Experienced growers talking to industry, finding out what they have out there for seed coming on.  There’s something for everyone, whether you’ve produced canola for 30 years or your just thinking about it, there’s something to be learned at the workshops.”


In addition on Wednesday, a member meeting will be held in Clarkston, running from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.  Sowers said the $75 membership to the regional association is a great investment, not only for education and workshops, but it also includes membership is the U.S. Canola Association, allowing Northwest growers a voice in D.C.


“Production issues, canola chemical registration issues, the trade war that a huge part of it.  There are lobbyists that are specialized in each area, whether it’s biodiesel or canola production itself canola, research funding, and that sort of thing.  It’s a huge thing to have representation at the national level.”


To learn more about the PNW Canola Association, visit the organization's Website.


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