While on the job for less than a month, Andrè-Denis Wright is excited not only to lead WSU’s College of Agriculture, Human and Natural Resources, but excited to see where the school is going into the future.  Wright, a native of Canada, made career stops in Australia, and several states before landing in Pullman.  He said all of that traveling allows him to bring a lot to the table.


“It’s allowed me to see the big picture, and I love bringing teams together and thinking outside the box.  It also allows me to see what other people are doing.  Are there things that we’re doing that we can help them do things better.  Or can I take away things from the various places that I’ve been and introduce new ideas and other concepts.”


What was it about Washington State University that attracted him to the dean job?


“Probably the envy of many agricultural colleges across the country, the stake holders here are second to none, everyone gets behind the college.  The diversity of agriculture grown in this state is amazing.”


Wright said he’s a strong supporter of continuing education and extension services.  He added he’s a solid communicator, and looks forward to working with growers from across the state.




If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekradio.com

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