Tributes and honors have been rolling in since Sunday for the Minnesota native, farmer, politician, and 20th US Secretary of Agriculture Bob Bergland.



"We can easily meet whatever  Russian demands there may be without any devastating impact to consumers, but it will probably bring prices up somewhat for the producer," Bergland said in 1977, while discussing the shortage to the then Soviet Union's wheat crop, and how that would impact U.S. supplies after purchase.



Secretary Bergland's tenure in office was also known for another issue with the Soviets-- our nation's 1980 trade embargo to that market, in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, as well as for his introduction of the first-ever set of USDA dietary guidelines for Americans.



"There are no absolutes in these guidelines. We are simply trying to advise people on how to  stay healthy through  a proper diet."



The former Agriculture secretary passed away Sunday at his home town in Minnesota.



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