Despite the cold temperatures, and even isolated snow showers, this is a very busy time of year for your local farmers Market.  Colleen Donovan, Executive Director for the Washington state Farmers Market Association said there is no off season for the 100-plus markets across the Evergreen State.


“There’s a lot of planning, permits, training, event scheduling, figuring out all of those logistics, the promotions, getting the sponsors in to help fund the market, training new staff."


To help those local markets navigate a very intense time of year, and prepare for another outdoor season just a few months away, the WSFMA Annual Meeting is taking place in Tacoma Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Donovan said they help market managers navigate paperwork, and answer questions, and much more.


She added each year there is a market or two that will launch.  To assist those new programs, WSFMA will devote Thursday of this year’s conference to help out the new guy.


“There is a steep learning curve, so that’s why we really encourage them to come to the conference, and we have a special boot camp for new market managers, new board members for everybody to really understand what’s under the hood of what it takes to make a market successful.”


Click Here to learn more about this year's Meeting.


And remember to join us each Friday for your Washington Ag Network Farmer's Market Minute.



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