Ask Jerome Rosa, executive director of the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association, he’ll tell you that D.C. at this point is a friendlier environment for those in agriculture or natural resources than Salem, Olympia or Sacramento.  He said many in the ranching community feel the Trump Administration does a better job listening to the concerns of farmers than the prior administrations.  But while Rosa says there’s reason for encouragement, he acknowledges there are still several issues that could have a negative impact on the cattle industry to be addressed in D.C.


One of the top priorities is Truth in Labeling.  He said the meat industry does not want to go through the same struggles the dairy industry is currently facing.


“We want to make sure that when people buy meat, they know that they’re not buying something that was grown in a petri dish and then expanded in a bio reactor and then possibly get blended in with our product or its own product.”


Rosa added livestock producers, the entire Ag community along the west coast are very concerned about the current language of WOTUS and trying to get that verbiage correct.


“Especially on some of these intermittent waterways and areas that just collect water during a rainfall event, we see the impacts from what that legislation says and what actually what is categorized as a navigable waterway.”


Other issues Rosa says they will watch closely in D.C. include efforts to fight wildfires and land management.




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