Months after the 2014 Farm Bill expired, and following years of work, President Trump officially signed the 2018 Farm Bill into law on Friday.  How much of a role, if any, does the USDA have in getting a new Farm Bill passed?



Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue said his department worked long hours to provide lawmakers what they needed to get the new legislation on the books.


“We counted up, I believe there were over 2,000 issues of technical assistance we provided the committees, and we believe that’s the way this should work.  It’s your job to write the laws, and our job to implement and give you data and facts whenever you need it.  So, we’re very proud of our USDA people here, and I want to thank them today.  For their hard work as well.”


Despite not containing the SNAP work requirements wanted by the White House and many conservatives, President Trump signed the $867 billion Farm Bill into law Friday.



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