The Washington Association of Wheat Growers just wrapped up their “Olympia Days” even in western Washington.  WAWG Executive Director Michelle Hennings told the Washington Ag Network it’s very important for growers to educate lawmakers about the issues that will impact the boots on the ground.


“We get a group of growers to comes over [to Olympia], because in all respects, I think the legislators would rather hear from the actual farmers, rather than just staff.”


Hennings said Hirst is the biggest issue before lawmakers, but not just because of the question of water rights and drilling in rural Washington.


“Hirst has also tied up the capital budget which has a couple of WSU buildings that we need to get funding for in regards to our research.  So, we want to make sure there is a good Hirst decision.”


Hennings added they will also keep a close watch on pesticide bills which could have a deep impact on growers across Central and Eastern Washington.  She said they will also watch Governor Jay Inslee’s proposed Carbon Tax very closely.


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