The Washington snowpack is currently 115% of average statewide, which is a great way to start Spring.


“I think we’re in pretty good shape, it looks like the streams and rivers are all flowing big,” said NRCS' Scott Pattee.


Pattee said he acknowledged he was concerned when we saw warmer weather a few weeks ago, which led to rain falling on top of the snowpack.  But he says temperatures dropped, keeping most of that snow in the higher elevations.  And he says keeping the snow in place will be important as we approach April and warmer weather.


“Fortunately the high elevation snow that we need for spring and summer water supply stayed put, so we’re in good shape.”


Pattee says much of the flooding concern right now, comes from the mid-elevation snowpacks melting rapidly.  As far as the local basin are concerned:

  • The Lower Snake and Walla Walla is around 105% of normal
  • The Lower Yakima is at 100%
  • And the Central Columbia/Wenatchee area is 107% of normal






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