The 2017 Washington Oregon Potato Conference wrapped up in Kennewick Thursday afternoon.  The three day event brought growers and suppliers from across the Northwest to discuss the latest in soil health, technology, research and more.

Potato Conference Registration #1

Ryan Holterhoff with the Washington Potato Commission said many Washingtonians may not realize how big of an economic impact the spud has on the state.  There are currently 350 potato farms across Washington, accounting for 36,000 jobs, and a $7.4 billion impact on the Evergreen state’s economy.  Holterhoff is quick to note the potato industry also has a large, direct impact on the local economy.


“The jobs that they bring and the people that they employee or someone who is supplying to the potato farmers, they’re helping pay the taxes that pay for our schools, that pay for our roads, and those are the people who are sitting on our school boards and making the decision within our local communities.”


The consensus at this year’s Conference, 2016 was a good year, and there is optimism for an even better 2017.




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