Ask state Senator Judy Warnick, she’ll tell you the 2019 legislative session is very scary for the Washington Agriculture industry.  She points to Senate Bill 5693 which she calls a slap in the face of farmers.  The legislation would require farmers to report any slavery or human trafficking used on their operation.  Warnick points out that slavery has never been legal in Washington and has not been used by farmers.


While the legislation exempts some commodities, such as dryland and potatoes, others remain in the cross hairs.


“Anybody that might employ people in their orchards, or employ people on their dairies are being scrutinized as if they are running chain gangs.”


Warnick said in a session where Ag is facing hostility, producers must stand up and have their voices heard by contacting Olympia.


“There will be an attempt by those of us who represent agricultural areas to kill the bill.  We can’t fix this one, I just don’t see any way to fix it.”


Warnick said she thinks those supporting this legislation are doing so with the eventual goal of allowing farm laborers to unionize.





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