The American Farm Bureau Federation, along with the two largest farm groups in Mexico and Canada, are urging NAFTA negotiators to modernize the agreement, not dismantle it.  In a joint letter to the U.S., Mexican and Canadian governments, the farm organizations call NAFTA one of the biggest success stories for agriculture.  AFBF economist Veronica Nigh said the letter calls for unity to protect and improve agricultural trade.


“Asking for all three countries to basically do no harm to agricultural trade between our three counties.”


Agricultural trade between the three countries has grown exponentially since the agreement was implemented more than 20 years ago.  Nigh said that growth is critical to sustaining the agricultural economy.


“For the United States, Canada and Mexico are our number one and number three customers for U.S. Ag exports.  About 30% of total Ag exports go to these two partners.  For Canada and Mexico; we’re Canada’s number one export destination and also Mexico’s.   So, clearly there is a lot of integration.”



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