While challenges remain because of the trade environment, Alexis Taylor says the Oregon Ag economy is in very good shape.  The Oregon Department of Agriculture director said while much of the trade focus has been on an updated agreement with China, as well as ratification of USMCA, she says other markets, such as Japan and smaller destinations remain critical.


“We also don’t want our government to rest on its laurels.  Finding new markets to continue to develop new trading relationships and expand into existing markets like Japan are really critical for our producers as well.”


She said the USDA’s recent trip to Central America is a good example of the need for new and emerging markets.  Taylor notes agriculture is responsible for 13% of Oregon’s GDP, and the state is home to a lot of diversity, not only in commodities, but operations as well.  And that diversity continues to stimulate innovation.


“I think we are leaders when it comes to using technology.  Some of that, I think, is driven from challenges with labor that we have in this state.  But, because I think farmers are looking for new ways to continue to do business with less workers, or maybe repurposing some of the current employees they have, they’re looking to technology?”





If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekradio.com

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