western Oregon

Future of Farming: Two Different Oregon Ag Communities
Future of Farming: Two Different Oregon Ag Communities
Future of Farming: Two Different Oregon Ag Communities
In this week's Future of Farming, Julie Amos, the Oregon FFA Reporter, talks how the differences between western Oregon Ag, and eastern Oregon Ag extend well beyond the commodities.     If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail glenn.vaagen@to...
Oregon’s Hazelnut Crop Appears To Be Smaller
Oregon’s Hazelnut Crop Appears To Be Smaller
Oregon’s Hazelnut Crop Appears To Be Smaller
According to NASS, Oregon’s hazelnut crop appears to be smaller than what growers reported in 2021.  This year’s crop looks to be 68,000 tons, which would be a 12% year-over-year decrease from last year’s record high crop.  Bearing acreage increased this...
Oregon Lawmakers Want WOOP To Continue
Oregon Lawmakers Want WOOP To Continue
Oregon Lawmakers Want WOOP To Continue
Oregon’s Congressional delegation is asking for a renewed commitment to the Western Oregon Operating Plan, also known as “WOOP”, to better respond to wildfires. The current plan is set to expire in 2024. In a letter to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, Oregon’s U.S. Senators and Represe ...
Oviatt: Oregon’s Water Situation Concerning
Oviatt: Oregon’s Water Situation Concerning
Oviatt: Oregon’s Water Situation Concerning
The dry conditions across the Northwest are becoming more of a concern for farmers and the USDA a like. Scott Oviatt with NRCS-Oregon said while western Oregon saw some rain showers in late May and early June, locations east of the Cascades have been very dry all spring, and now into early summer ...
New Wolf Pack Found In Western Oregon
New Wolf Pack Found In Western Oregon
New Wolf Pack Found In Western Oregon
The state of Oregon announced last week the newest wolf pack is the state has at least four pups.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that a photo from a trail camera confirmed the pups' existence in western Oregon. Their fur gray with cream-colored streaks, three of them were photographed walking on an unpaved road with a larger wolf, with the fourth pup on the other side of the road and fu