
Tips For Avoiding Wildfire Smoke
Tips For Avoiding Wildfire Smoke
Tips For Avoiding Wildfire Smoke
A PEMCO insurance poll found 82% of people in the Northwest are concerned about wildfire smoke, but only a quarter do anything about it in their homes.  PEMCO's Jennifer Hawton said it's human nature to procrastinate.   "There's still a hesitancy to take some action, although the actions have increased since the last time we did a study in 2022."   Buyi...
Hot Weather Coming To Wenatchee, NCW; Heavy Smoke Possible
Hot Weather Coming To Wenatchee, NCW; Heavy Smoke Possible
Hot Weather Coming To Wenatchee, NCW; Heavy Smoke Possible
The Wenatchee area as well as North Central Washington and the entire Northwest is about to see really hot weather, with temperatures at 20 degrees above normal by the weekend. National Weather Service meteorologist Steve Bodnar says the weather pattern is coming from an area of very strong high pressure...
Prescribed Burns Scheduled For Yakima Area
Prescribed Burns Scheduled For Yakima Area
Prescribed Burns Scheduled For Yakima Area
The Washington State Department of Natural Resources has scheduled a prescribed burn for 200 acres of state land located outside of Naches.  DNR said that burn may start as soon as Thursday.  The burn will focus on 145 acres of state Department of Fish and Wildlife land and 55 acres of DNR property.  While the hope is...
Is The Smoke Impacting Local Vegetable Crops?
Is The Smoke Impacting Local Vegetable Crops?
Is The Smoke Impacting Local Vegetable Crops?
The smoky skies have been some of the biggest local headlines over the past couple of days.  You’ve heard the warning about the smoke impacting workers, kids practicing high school sports, anyone spending time outdoors and even our livestock.   B...
Addressing Health Concerns for Livestock During Wildfires
Addressing Health Concerns for Livestock During Wildfires
Addressing Health Concerns for Livestock During Wildfires
Hazy and smoky skies have presented health challenges for residents of the Northwest. Washington State Veterinarian Dr. Minden Buswell said it can also cause problems for livestock and that many of the pieces of advice you would want to take for yourself or your family, you would want to follow for your animals like limiting exercise and having access to water...
Dry, Smoky Conditions Continue Throughout the Northwest
Dry, Smoky Conditions Continue Throughout the Northwest
Dry, Smoky Conditions Continue Throughout the Northwest
September has started hot, dry and smoky across most of the Inland Northwest. The USDA has designated the entire state of Washington, and most of Eastern Oregon, Abnomally Dry, and with temperatures well above normal, the dry conditions are starting to impact growers and producers...
Smokey Summer Should Not Negatively Impact Ag Burning
Smokey Summer Should Not Negatively Impact Ag Burning
Smokey Summer Should Not Negatively Impact Ag Burning
The skies across the Inland Northwest have been filled with smoke for much of August.  Could that impact agricultural burning as 2017 marches on?  Robin Priddy with Benton Clear Ari Agency told the Washington Ag Network even thought air quality across the region has been less than good for several days, that should not impact ag burning in to the future.   “...
Smoke Effects on Wine
Air quality around the Inland Northwest has been quite bad for at least a week and many of us are dealing with the remnants of smoke in the air, but it’s also true for vineyards.   WSU Enology Professor Jim Harbertson said much of the smoke and dust on the vine can be washed off, but that doesn’t totally stop infiltration. And while some ...