Dairy Industry Frustrated Over Farm Bill Struggles
Dairy Industry Frustrated Over Farm Bill Struggles
Dairy Industry Frustrated Over Farm Bill Struggles
Farm Bill frustration was evident at the recent annual meeting of the National Milk Producers Federation in Phoenix.  “Farming is hard,” NMPF Chair and Missouri farmer Randy Mooney told members gathered for their annual conference that producing is even more difficult without an updated Farm Bill.   “We’ve got a...
NMPF: Several Positives Found In FMMO Recommendations
NMPF: Several Positives Found In FMMO Recommendations
NMPF: Several Positives Found In FMMO Recommendations
The USDA released its recommendations for modernizing the Federal Milk Marketing Orders last month.   “Overall, we're very pleased with the recommendations that USDA has come up with. We put a lot of proposals into the record," said Stephen Cain, senior director of economic research and analysis for the National Milk Producers Federation.  "So did ...
NMPF: FDA Proposal Increases Need For Dairy Pride Act
NMPF: FDA Proposal Increases Need For Dairy Pride Act
NMPF: FDA Proposal Increases Need For Dairy Pride Act
For decades, the Food and Drug Administration has not enforced its standard of identity for milk, allowing plant-based imitators to use dairy terms. Late last month, the FDA released proposed guidance on the issue.  Alan Bjerga, National Milk Producers Federation Senior Vice President of Communications said the proposal is a good first step.  ...
USTR Announces Dispute Settlement Panel Request with Canada
USTR Announces Dispute Settlement Panel Request with Canada
USTR Announces Dispute Settlement Panel Request with Canada
Earlier this week, Trade Representative Katherine Tai announced the second USMCA dispute settlement panel regarding Canada’s dairy tariff-rate quota allocation measures.  The United States is challenging Canada’s revised dairy TRQ allocation measures that use a market-share approach for determining TRQ allocations.  Through these measu...
Industry Experts See Opportunities For Dairy
Industry Experts See Opportunities For Dairy
Industry Experts See Opportunities For Dairy
According to the National Milk Producers Federation and U.S. Dairy Export Council, the record milk prices reported in 2022 likely won’t repeat themselves this year, as production increases and consumers grapple with an economic slowdown.  Mem...
Omnibus Includes Growing Climate Solutions Act, SUSTAINS Act
Omnibus Includes Growing Climate Solutions Act, SUSTAINS Act
Omnibus Includes Growing Climate Solutions Act, SUSTAINS Act
The National Milk Producers Federation commended Congress this week for including the Growing Climate Solutions Act and the SUSTAINS Act in its final fiscal year 2023 budget package.   The measures, NMPF said, will help dairy producers seek additional sustainability opportunities as they work to fulfill the dairy sector’s voluntary, producer-led goal of becoming greenhouse gas neutral or better by
Milk Producers Ask for Support of Domestic Formula Production
Milk Producers Ask for Support of Domestic Formula Production
Milk Producers Ask for Support of Domestic Formula Production
The National Milk Producers Federation sent a letter to lawmakers, including Oregon's Ron Wyden, asking for support of domestic infant formula production as the shortfalls that emptied store shelves of formula have eased.  NMPF said given the improving situation, tariff waivers that could discourage the production of a safe, secure domestic infant formula supply should be allowed to expire at the
NMPF Unanimously Endorses Marketing Order Modernization Plan
NMPF Unanimously Endorses Marketing Order Modernization Plan
NMPF Unanimously Endorses Marketing Order Modernization Plan
Earlier this week, National Milk Producers Federation leadership unanimously endorsed a proposal to modernize the Federal Milk Marketing Order milk-pricing system.  The plan includes returns to the "higher of" Class I mover, discontinuing including barrel cheese in the protein component price formula.  It exte...

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