Inflation Reduction Act

USDA Rolls Out Plan To Establish Carbon Credit Verification Model
USDA Rolls Out Plan To Establish Carbon Credit Verification Model
USDA Rolls Out Plan To Establish Carbon Credit Verification Model
The USDA says it is working to make connections between farmers as well as providers and verifiers of carbon credits.   “We announced the opening of positions on an advisory committee that we're instructed to develop under the Climate Solutions Act that was passed by Congress.  It's a l...
Grants to Reduce Pollution in the PNW
Grants to Reduce Pollution in the PNW
Grants to Reduce Pollution in the PNW
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency launched a $4.6 billion competition to fund state, local, and Tribal programs to cut pollution, advance environmental justice and deploy clean energy solutions.
A Tree on Every Block: Growing the Urban Forest
A Tree on Every Block: Growing the Urban Forest
A Tree on Every Block: Growing the Urban Forest
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service is awarding more than $1 billion in competitive grants to plant and maintain trees, combat extreme heat and climate change, and improve access to nature in cities, towns, and suburbs where more than 84% of Americans live, work, and play.
Investments in Restoration and Conservation Across America
Investments in Restoration and Conservation Across America
Investments in Restoration and Conservation Across America
The Bureau of Land Management today announced $28 million in investments from the Inflation Reduction Act for six large-scale partnerships with national organizations, States, and the Navajo Nation to support restoration and conservation on public lands.
Market Opportunities for Small Forest Owners
Market Opportunities for Small Forest Owners
Market Opportunities for Small Forest Owners
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service is making $150 million from President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, the largest climate investment in history, available to help underserved and small acreage forest landowners connect to emerging voluntary climate markets.
Vilsack Unsure If Funds Can Be Moves For Conservation Efforts
Vilsack Unsure If Funds Can Be Moves For Conservation Efforts
Vilsack Unsure If Funds Can Be Moves For Conservation Efforts
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said recently it’s premature to ask if billions of dollars in Inflation Reduction Act conservation funds can be transferred to the upcoming Farm Bill, even though the need will likely exist.  The decision will be up to Congress, but Vilsack and the administration will have a say in whether to use some of the Inflation Reduction Act’s $16 billion for programs like
Conservation Should Be Incentives Based, Not Mandated
Conservation Should Be Incentives Based, Not Mandated
Conservation Should Be Incentives Based, Not Mandated
Climate change as an issue in the next farm bill is already causing temperatures to rise in the nation’s capital.  But if there’s anything farm leaders agree on, it’s conservation incentives, not dictates.   “Let the innovators compete, let them go after it and do what they want, it’s not ‘one size fits all,’ it gives them a shot to do it," said former Farm Service Agency chief, Jonathan Copp
Vilsack: This Will Help Farmers Stay On The Farm
Vilsack: This Will Help Farmers Stay On The Farm
Vilsack: This Will Help Farmers Stay On The Farm
USDA head Tom Vilsack says as far as he’s concerned, the star of the show if the America farmer and the Department of Ag is going to do what it can to keep those farmers on the land.  And that assistance, he noted, is coming via the Inflation Reduction Act.     Curr...

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