Idaho drought

Much Of Idaho Is In A Snow Drought
Much Of Idaho Is In A Snow Drought
Much Of Idaho Is In A Snow Drought
NRCS Idaho is out with its February Water Supply Outlook Report.  According to NRCS, snowpack percentages compared to normal decreased significantly, thanks primarily to a abnormally dry January.  As of February 1, basin-wide snowpack percentages range from 68% to 119% of normal.      ...
Idaho Snowpack Becoming Worrisome
Idaho Snowpack Becoming Worrisome
Idaho Snowpack Becoming Worrisome
The region is about seven weeks into the snow season, and while some areas are reporting very strong snowpacks, not everyone can say that.  Erin Whorton with NRSC said the snow season is off to a really difficult start in eastern Idaho.   “...
NW Drought Numbers A Mixed Bag For Early November
NW Drought Numbers A Mixed Bag For Early November
NW Drought Numbers A Mixed Bag For Early November
Drought numbers improved slightly in Washington, with 34% of the state where it should be soil moisture wise this time of year.  While that news is an improvement from last week, 44% of the state is under a D-1 or Moderate Drought designation, and 9% is under a D-2, or Severe Drought.  And those numbers...
ICA Accepting Applications, Donations For 2024 Wildfire Relief
ICA Accepting Applications, Donations For 2024 Wildfire Relief
ICA Accepting Applications, Donations For 2024 Wildfire Relief
The Idaho Cattle Association is now accepting donations, as well as applications, to the Wildfire Relieve Fund.  ICA’s Morgan Lutgen said thanks to the help of AgWest Farm Credit Services, the Relief Fund was established a couple of years ago, to benefit beef cattle producers impacted by fires in the Gem state.  Since the Fun...
USDA: Wildfire Activity May Increase This Weekend
USDA: Wildfire Activity May Increase This Weekend
USDA: Wildfire Activity May Increase This Weekend
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey noted many portions of the Northwest could see new wildfires in the coming days, or even the possibility of some re-flaring of older fires, because of a cold front expected to move across the area Thursday and Friday...
Drought Conditions Continue To Spread Across The PNW
Drought Conditions Continue To Spread Across The PNW
Drought Conditions Continue To Spread Across The PNW
According to the latest figures from the U.S. Drought Monitor, only 13% of Washington is where it should be soil moisture wise for this time of year; and much of that is on the Peninsula.  Over 2% of the Evergreen state is under a D-3, or Extreme Drought designation, with most of that reported in the central part of the state.     ...
Northwest Remains Dry as February Comes To A Close
Northwest Remains Dry as February Comes To A Close
Northwest Remains Dry as February Comes To A Close
The Northwest remains very dry with two dozen days to go to spring.   According to the latest drought numbers, 92% of Oregon is Abnormally Dry, while 77% of the state is under a D-1, or Moderate Drought, designation.  Both of those figures increased over the past week.  Meanwhile, S...
Drought Numbers Show Slight Improvement Across the PNW
Drought Numbers Show Slight Improvement Across the PNW
Drought Numbers Show Slight Improvement Across the PNW
Dry conditions continue for much of the Pacific Northwest.  But for one state, soil moisture conditions have returned close to normal.   According to the latest USDA numbers, 34% of Washington is considered abnormally dry for this time of year.  That is a dr...
Idaho Snowpack Looking Good, But Concerns Remain
Idaho Snowpack Looking Good, But Concerns Remain
Idaho Snowpack Looking Good, But Concerns Remain
The Idaho snowpack is looking really good for the mid-way portion in the 2022-2023 snow year.  Erin Whorton, NRCS Idaho, said most of the basins are at or above normal for this time of year.  The only three basins not at average are in the northern portion of the state, where the Northern Panhandle, Spokane, and Clearwater are all below 100% for mid-January.   With these...
Mulrony: 2022 Has Been A Challenge
Mulrony: 2022 Has Been A Challenge
Mulrony: 2022 Has Been A Challenge
Acknowledging every year has its ups and its down, Cameron Mulrony said 2022 was a challenging year for local cattle producers to say the least.  Mulrony, the Executive Vice President of the Idaho Cattle Association, said the region was very fortunate to get precipitation mid and late spring.  He note...

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