
Washington Smoke Management Plan Approved
Washington Smoke Management Plan Approved
Washington Smoke Management Plan Approved
The Smoke Management Plan regulates prescribed burning on forest land aimed at reducing fuel loading, restoring forest ecosystems, and potentially reducing the risk to communities from catastrophic wildfires, while minimizing air quality impacts from smoke.
Regan Does Not Regret Not Waiting For Sackett
Regan Does Not Regret Not Waiting For Sackett
Regan Does Not Regret Not Waiting For Sackett
Last week, EPA Administrator Michael Regan defended his agency’s issuing its final WOTUS rule in December, ahead of what could be a watershed Supreme Court WOTUS ruling later this year.  Regan was pressed by Republican senators at an Environment and Public Works hearing on why EPA jumped ahead of the Supreme Court’s ruling expected by June in Sackett vs. EPA, a case many bel...
PNW House Members Vote To Repeal WOTUS
PNW House Members Vote To Repeal WOTUS
PNW House Members Vote To Repeal WOTUS
The U.S. House voted last week to repeal, on a largely symbolic 227-198 vote, the EPA’s controversial WOTUS rule.  The Senate could follow suit as soon as this week.  Democrats argued clean water is a human right that will suffer with the GOP’s move.  However nine Democrats, inclu...
Bills Addressing Crop Protection Products Clear Washington Senate
Bills Addressing Crop Protection Products Clear Washington Senate
Bills Addressing Crop Protection Products Clear Washington Senate
Earlier this week, the Washington Senate approved two bills that focus on crop protection products.  Senate Bill 5143, which received a 49-0 vote in the Senate, would change the name and membership of the Commission on Pesticide Registration, adding a non-voting member from the Pacific Northwest EPA region.  ...
State Attorneys General File Lawsuit Over WOTUS
State Attorneys General File Lawsuit Over WOTUS
State Attorneys General File Lawsuit Over WOTUS
Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen and attorneys general from 23 other states filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration’s Waters of the U.S. Rule.  The group says the EPA’s WOTUS rule “goes beyond the power Congress delegated in the Clean Water Act, raises serious constitutional concerns, and runs roughshod over the Administrative Procedures Act.”   “The administrati...

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