
House GOP Calls For WOTUS To Be Postponed
House GOP Calls For WOTUS To Be Postponed
House GOP Calls For WOTUS To Be Postponed
Thursday, several members of the House of Representatives, including Washington’s Dan Newhouse, Illinois’ Mike Bost, North Carolina’s David Rouzer, and Iowa’s Mariannette Miller-Meeks led 192 other House Republicans in a letter blasting the Administration for its "premature and reckless WOTUS final rule".  The Members demand th...
Cushman: Lawsuit Against EPA Necessary
Cushman: Lawsuit Against EPA Necessary
Cushman: Lawsuit Against EPA Necessary
An attorney for the American Farm Bureau Federation said a lawsuit filed by the Bureau and other farm groups against the EPA’s final ‘Waters of the U.S.’ rule is needed, on top of any favorable Supreme Court ruling.  Deputy General Counsel Travis Cushman says the latest WOTUS lawsuit is needed, not just because of a possible timing gap between the Biden EPA rule effective in March and a Supreme Co
EPA Posts Revised WOTUS to Federal Register
EPA Posts Revised WOTUS to Federal Register
EPA Posts Revised WOTUS to Federal Register
The EPA and Army Corps of Engineers published the revised WOTUS rule in the Federal Register this week.  The publication means the revised rule will go into effect on March 20th.   EPA and the Army Corps announced the rule at the end of 2022, which will replace the Navigable Waters Protection Rule from the Trump Administration.  At the ...
EPA Orders Corp To Make Changes At Northwest Dams
EPA Orders Corp To Make Changes At Northwest Dams
EPA Orders Corp To Make Changes At Northwest Dams
Last month, the EPA ordered the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to stop oil and other toxic chemical discharges into the Columbia River.  The announcement put the issue of river spills back to the front burner.  The group Columbia Riverkeeper sued the Corps last year, and says these pollutants harm fish and other wildlife in the Columbia and Snake Rivers.  Miles Johnson, Co...
EPA Finalizes WOTUS Definition
EPA Finalizes WOTUS Definition
EPA Finalizes WOTUS Definition
The Biden EPA has issued a final rewrite of Trump-era WOTUS reforms, and farm groups like National Cattlemen are not happy.  NCBA Chief Counsel Mary-Thomas Hart said the Biden Administration’s final Waters of the U.S. rule is tainted.   “The r...
NCBA Asking Administration To Hold Off On WOTUS
NCBA Asking Administration To Hold Off On WOTUS
NCBA Asking Administration To Hold Off On WOTUS
Earlier this month, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association urged the Biden administration to press pause on a new Waters of the U.S. rule.  NCBA’s Executive Director for National Resources and Executive Director of the Public Lands Council Kaitlynn Glover said they have asked the EPA to wait until the Supreme Court makes its ruling on the Sacket v. EPA case to avoid tw...
Clarifications Needed On WOTUS
Clarifications Needed On WOTUS
Clarifications Needed On WOTUS
With oral arguments now complete in the Sackett versus EPA case before the Supreme Court, questions still remain related to whether or not the federal government has jurisdiction over certain parcels of land.  Courtney Briggs, senior director of government affairs for the American Farm Bureau Federation said the confusion goes back to a previous Supreme Court Case that created two tests of jurisdi

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