
Puget Sound Recreational Crab Fishery To Open August 27-28
Puget Sound Recreational Crab Fishery To Open August 27-28
Puget Sound Recreational Crab Fishery To Open August 27-28
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife announced this week the Puget Sound recreational summer crab-fishing season will have two additional days in most marine areas; August 27th and 28th.    “With the addition of these two crabbing days in many Puget Sound marine areas (except Marine Areas 10 and 11), the pre-Labor Day summer fishery will be similar to the recent year average season lengt
Entire Oregon Coast Open To Recreational Crabbing
Entire Oregon Coast Open To Recreational Crabbing
Entire Oregon Coast Open To Recreational Crabbing
Recreational crabbing is now open along the entire Oregon coast, from Washington to California.  That announcement was made Thursday by the Oregon Department of Agriculture and state Department of Fish and Wildlife.  Last month, the state closed crabbing between Bandon and the California border due to elevated levels of the marine biotoxin domoic acid.   The cleara...
ODA, ODFW Close Crabbing On Southern Coast
ODA, ODFW Close Crabbing On Southern Coast
ODA, ODFW Close Crabbing On Southern Coast
The Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife have closed recreational crabbing from Bandon to the California border due to elevated levels of the marine biotoxin domoic acid.  The closure includes the ocean, bays and estuaries, and on beaches, docks, piers and jetties.  Recreat...
ODA Closes Clamming On Entire Oregon Coast
ODA Closes Clamming On Entire Oregon Coast
ODA Closes Clamming On Entire Oregon Coast
The state Department of Agriculture and the state Department of Fish and Wildlife have announced all Oregon beaches between the California border and the Columbia River are closed to razor clam harvesting.  Recent lab results indicate the marine biotoxin domoic acid has exceeded the closure limit along the entire coastline.   ...