
Marrs Ag Technology Changing At A Fast Pace
Marrs Ag Technology Changing At A Fast Pace
Marrs Ag Technology Changing At A Fast Pace
How well does the agriculture community embrace change?  It truly depends on the change, and who is changing.  When it comes to technology and devices baby boomers can be reluctant to adapt.  But, according to Gregg Marrs, owner of Yakima-based Blueline, the younger generation of farmers gladly embrace technology.   “Wher...
Marrs: European Experience Helps Central Washington Growers
Marrs: European Experience Helps Central Washington Growers
Marrs: European Experience Helps Central Washington Growers
As the fruit, hops and specialty crop industries take off in Central Washington, growers will look to have specialized equipment to make the process as easy as possible.  That’s where Blueline steps in.  Gregg Marrs, President of Yakima based Blueline told the Washington Ag Network in addition to providing Kubota products, they can also offer customized equipment from Europe.  Marrs says th... Rea
Labor Biggest Issue For Growers in 2017
Labor Biggest Issue For Growers in 2017
Labor Biggest Issue For Growers in 2017
While for some the 2017 growing season in just getting underway, there are several challenges before the Central Washington Ag Industry.  Gregg Marrs, President of Yakima based Blueline told the Washington Ag Network labor is the chief challenge for the upcoming year.  He...