Karen Sowers has removed the interim portion of her executive director title with the Pacific Northwest Canola Association.  Sowers says now that she has the position fulltime, she’s looking forward to increase awareness both in farmers and consumers about canola grown in the Northwest.  Sowers said while canola acreage has rapidly increased over the past couple of years, there are still misconceptions holding dryland farmers back


“You might hear that you can’t grow canola after a particular herbicide, Group II herbicides, but now there are varieties out there that can handle that.  Another one might be that you got to buy new equipment.  Well, you can use your wheat drill, you can use your combine that you already have."


Sowers noted one of the biggest challenges to overcome, is the fear associated when trying something new.  She said to help farmers in the months and years to come, she will push for greater education and outreach efforts, more workshops and better connection between growers and experts at Washington State University.


Sowers noted that the canola markets are in good shape right now, with better prices than lentils.




If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekradio.com

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