Ask Jerome Rosa, Executive Director of the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association, and he’ll tell you the mood of the ranching industry right now is mixed.  Rosa recently returned from the NCBA convention in New Orleans, and said many producers are optimistic about what 2019 holds in store.  But he quickly noted there are many frustrations.  Frustration with a lack of a trade deal with China, frustrated that USMCA has not become official, and, "a continued frustration when our ranchers continue to see the reports that the packers are making a $200 to $300 per head profit margin over the last few years, and yet our ranchers haven’t been able to enjoy that same kind of profitability.”


Rosa added not being part of the TPP very upsetting to the ranching industry, especially here in the Northwest.


“With our close proximity we can get product to Japan for instance cheaper than we can get product to the other side of the Rocky Mountains," Rosa said.  "And so, with the markets that we’re losing there and with other countries stepping in and taking over those markets, it’s something that’s definitely impacting our market that’s hurting our producer’s prices.”


Rosa noted that he hope the Trump Administration knows what they are doing when it comes to trade and trade negotiations to ensure the best deal for producers across Oregon, across the Northwest and across the country.





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