Much of the Northwest has enjoyed great growing weather, and it looks like that pattern will continue as we prepare to move into May.  Marilyn Lohmann with the National Weather Service said the lack of warnings and watches has led to very quiet conditions across the region.


“Not enough snow [too mention], although we have had a few areas of snow in the mountains, and we haven’t really started getting thunderstorms going yet.  So, kind of take advantage of this spring season, I guess if anything we’d be talking about how cool and damp everything is across the Northwest, with the exception of North Central Washington.”


One area that would like to see some rain, North Central Washington, doesn’t look like it will get any over the next couple of days.  Lohmann said the next chance of showers is this weekend, and even then amounts will be light.  She added these warmer says have had a noticeable impact on area soil temperatures.


“We’ve been able to see germination for potatoes, corn, spring grains, and your early vegetables in home gardens.  And they should stay warmer through the week, but then a little cooler for the weekend and into next week.  Kind of riding, you know, that same thing we warm up for a few days, and cool down for a few.”


Lohmann said she’s expecting cooler temperatures with near normal rain as we wrap up April, and warming conditions as we head into May.



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