The Washington Association of Wheat Growers has a new board member.


Mitchell Powers, a 6th generation dryland wheat farmer and cattle rancher from the Bickleton area in Klickitat County recently joined the board.  A graduate of Washington State University with a degree in Ag technology management, Mitchell also volunteers with the local fire department and serves on the school board.


Powers said that while his parents have been members of WAWG, he wasn’t too familiar with the organization before joining the board.


“I want to see how WAWG interacts with legislators because that’s the most important part of what they do,” he said, adding that it’s important for younger farmers to get involved in advocating for the wheat industry. “As our country as a whole becomes less and less associated with agriculture, I think those in Ag have to be good advocates for themselves and the industry.”


Powers family farm was originally settled in 1880.



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