The Washington State Potato Commission and potato growers throughout the state have already given nearly $4,000 to cancer research, 2,500 pounds of potatoes to a food bank in Hoquiam and donated food to a school.


Ryan Holterhoff says this is just a snapshot of the potato growers efforts.


“It’s very important for our farmers. They’ve always indicated that they want to do what they can to give back and look for opportunities to be able to give back to the communities they live in.”


The charitable efforts have happened at the annual convention, at All Ag Day among others.


Holterhoff says there are also many growers that coordinate their own events and donations.


“So many of the growers are giving back and providing community service and support wherever they live and so this is just part of who they are and something they want us to do as part of that as well.”


Holterhoff says they will continue to look for ways to give back including the annual bet with the Oregon Potato Commission on the outcome of the WSU-OSU football game.


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