The Oregon Young Farmers & Ranchers Leadership Conference is set for November 9th through the 11th at Eagle Crest in Redmond.  One of the main focuses this year, will be sharing the message of farming with the non-agriculture world.  OYF&R’s Jenny Freeborn said that’s why they’re bringing in PR Expert Shannon Berg, known for her work in the Owyhee Canyonland.


“They know what works, and farmers and ranchers know the realities of their job and the realities of the impacts they face.  And when those two worlds truly work together, it can really make powerful things happen.”


This year’s conference will also include past National FFA officer Jason Wetzler, and Damian Mason, focusing on the “F Words in Ag.”  Freeborn noted the conference is not only a way for young farmers to learn how to help the industry as a whole, but also how to benefit their own career.


“You’re getting social time, networking time with people from across the state, its nothing but strengthening your future prospects and your future abilities as a farmer, as a rancher, or in the industry in other ways.”


OYF&R membership is open to those 16 to 35 years of age.


Visit the Oregon Farm Bureau Website for registration and hotel information.  For additional questions, e-mail




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