One of the main stays of many holiday plans across the region, food.  But, for many families across the Northwest, they struggle to provide an adequate amount of food for themselves or their family.  Oregon FFA has teamed up with Les Schwab to Drive Away Hunger.


“I don’t think there is a better service project then students being engaged in, that are also in agriculture in terms of helping feed people who are in need as well," said Oregon FFA Foundation executive Director Kevin White.  "We’re already in gauged trying to help people learn about where their food comes from, and here is an opportunity for us to actually give back  in terms.”


White says the food drive, now in its 8th year, now has a goal of raising 50,000 pounds of food that will be donated to local foodbanks.  White said since this is a student-centered effort, the sky is the limit when it comes to growth.


"It’s a less conventional type of initiative, and much broader initiative, as far as where I see it going long-term, it could easily be raising one million pounds a year.”


Nearly 6,000 students take part in Oregon FFA statewide.






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