The 29th annual Organically Grown in Oregon week begins Sunday [September 10th] and the Beaver State remains among the nation’s leaders in organic production.


Oregon Department of Agriculture Director Alexis Taylor said there is reason to celebrate.


“Oregon is number four in certified organic sales for every state across the country. We obviously have a lot of organic producers, but we’re also selling a lot of organic products and foodstuffs.”


Oregon with more than 850 certified organic farms, ranches, and agribusinesses, ranking 8th in the nation and more than 175-thousand acres are in organic production, good for 6th.


Taylor said 91 percent of Oregon households buy organic products and the $269 million offers something for everyone.


“Some people are just conventional, some people are just organic. Then we have a whole host of people that do everything in between. Ranching and farming, raising any kind of product in Oregon– it’s really about coexistence and often it’s about coexistence within your own farm boundaries and we see that all the time.”


While most sales of organic ag in Oregon take place locally, there’s a growing demand for what Oregon produces regionally, nationally, and in the export market.

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