Now through September 15th, the Oregon Farm Bureau is inviting you to submit photos of Oregon Ag for the 2018 Bounty Calendar.  The OFB’s Anne Marie Moss told the Washington Ag Network, this award winning calendar celebrates all aspects of the ag industry.


“I describe it as the beauty, culture, enjoyment, technology, or tradition of family farming and ranching in Oregon.”


Moss said they are looking for “gaze-worthy” photos that demonstrate the uniqueness of every corner of the state.


“It’s really beautiful, from the rolling hills of wheat fields in Morrow and Umatilla counties, or in Central Oregon, you’ve got that kind of sage brush with the cattle ranches and the hay fields, and then of course in the Valley it’s usually diverse.”


Moss says they are also looking for photos that cover each season, and the progression of crops.  To submit an entry, or to learn more, visit the OFB's Website.



If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail

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