The 2018 short legislative session in Salem isn’t just about playing defense for the Oregon Farm Bureau.  OFB’s Jenny Dressler said there are a few pieces of legislation they will actively work to get passed this year.  One she said would allow farmers to use cell phones or other mobile devices while operating heavy equipment or large machines or livestock.  Under current state law, drivers are not allows to use a hand held cell phone while driving in Oregon.  Dressler said the OFB is working with lawmakers for a technical fix to that law.


“We are also working on a bill that would expand seed contact extension to all seed farmers.  We had legislation that finally passed in 2009 that provided some great certainty to farmers that are growing seed under contract, and protecting those protections outside of the grass seed industry.”


Dressler said the OFB will also work to prevent bad legislation, such as Cap and Trade from moving forward.



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