In the recent 25 year anniversary of “No Till Magazine”, four Northwest growers were honored as No Till Legends.  Regional winners include John Aeschliman of Colfax, who has been no-tilling since the mid-1970s, Spokane’s Dr. Jill Clapperton who has focused her research on locating healthy soils and Guy Swanson, a Spokane area agronomist who has been working with the variable rate fertilizer system.  Also included was John McNabb of Southern Idaho.


Kay Meyer, Executive Director of the Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association told the Washington Ag Network to have four award winners from right here in the Northwest, shows how far the region has come in the world of No-Till.


“They wanted to recognize people who have been instrumental in the increased adoption of no-till, or direct seed as we call it out here.  So, the four people recognized here, if anybody knows of them they know they are legends.”


Meyer said No-Till is becoming a bigger part of Northwest farming every year.


“Everybody has got a neighbor or somebody in their little micro region they can look to as a mentor and understand the type of equipment, rotation, the weed and disease management, things that are making is successful in their region.”


You can read the article Here.




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