It’s been a wet winter and spring, pushing back the start dates for many growers across the industry.  But that has not limited the excitement for this year.  Quincy potato grower Rex Calloway told the Washington Ag Network the ag industry is in a bit of a downward cycle right now, thanks to a variety of commodities suffering from low prices.


"But as a potato grower, I’m always looking forward to a new season.  There’s definitely some things that need to happen prior to going in to our [2017] season.  Trying to set price on contracts and things like that and that still needs to be settled


Calloway, who also serves on the Washington Potato Commission said one of the biggest questions marks that remains, is trade.  President Trump removed the U.S. from TPP, which many in the ag industry supported.  Calloway says if the President needs to have a plan so trade plans benefiting Northwest growers can move forward.


“It’s important that he steps up.  He said that he wants to create some new trade deals.  We as growers need for him to follow through, because if we don’t have these trade opportunities we will lose market share.”


Calloway says research is also important for Northwest potato growers, which could be in jeopardy if budget cuts proposed by the administration go forward.



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