The Chelan PUD is inviting winery owners to tap into the energy efficiency program for lighting and equipment to cut operating and maintenance costs. Chelan PUD commercial energy advisor, Scott Stanford, said they will assist with the purchase and installation of energy saving lighting, indoor and outdoor, and controls.

"We currently don't pay 100% unless you're in a local government situation. We have that capped at 75%. We have talk amongst ourselves of increasing that 75% cap for all commercial customers.”

Stanford says PUD will cover 75% of a projects cost with incentives based on kWh savings determined, depending on existing and proposed lighting energy use and the actual operating hours.

"The other [benefit] would be maintenance. LED lighting should last a lot longer than most other stuff. If they already have things requiring a certain amount of maintenance they have to do every year, that's going to go away.”

To learn more, or if you’re a North Central Washington winery that would like to sign up, check out the Chelan County PUD Website for more information.

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