The 2019 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show in New Orleans, Louisiana, is about two months away, and cattlemen and women from across the country are making plans to attend.  Expected to be very popular this year the 26th Cattlemen’s College, January 29th and  30th.  Josh White, NCBA’s executive director of producer education, said functional education is the key component of the event.


“The most important part of the whole deal is to learn something.  We try to balance out producers we can learn from, industry experts, and academics and blend those folks together in a lot of presentations.  We’ve got eight different tracks going Wednesday morning, so you get to choose one of eight, each hour, so there should be something for everyone for sure.”


White encourages anyone interested in Cattlemen’s College to sign up now.


“Go to, and click on through to the registration information, and you’ll see an education tab there that will get you all the information that you need about Cattlemen’s College.  There is an education package that offers some discount for you.  So, I’d encourage you to sign up that way to get the most bang for your buck during the whole convention.”


Following Cattlemen’s College, the 2019 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show in New Orleans will run through February 1st.



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