The National Alfalfa and Forage Alliance will host a webinar Thursday, October 15th telling growers how they can get assistance through CFAP [the Coronavirus Food Assistance program]. Associate Director at National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance Jon Dockter said originally the crop was not eligible for the program, even when a second round of crops were included in August.


"We did a full court press and worked with Congressional offices, specifically Collin Peterson’s office in Minnesota to make sure that if there were any additional funding for the CFAP program moving forward that alfalfa would be one of the crops that was an eligible commodity.”

He noted Thursday’s webinar will explain the CFAP program, who’s eligible as well as how payments are processed. There will also be a question and answer session with Farm Service Agency staff.

Dockter said alfalfa is the third-most valuable commodity in the country, but doesn’t get the same attention as others because it’s not traded publicly and most of the crop is kept on the farm where it is grown.

“It falls under the flat rate crops designation so if any producer or alfalfa farmer had acres certified by the Farm Service Agency as alfalfa acres they will get $15 per acre for that payment.”

Thursday’s webinar start at 10 a.m. Pacific. Learn more or register by visiting the National Alfalfa and Forage Alliance Website.

CFAP applications will be accepted through December 11th.

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