Expect wet weather across the Northwest for Thanksgiving.  Dennis Hull with the National Weather Service told the Washington Ag Network we’re sandwiched between a low system in the Pacific Ocean and a ridge of High Pressure over the Rockies.


“Giving us a moist southwest flow kind of like a little bit of a Pineapple Express with the very moist air, so, then we get the occasional rain and very mild temperatures.  In fact we’re probably not going to see subfreezing temperatures at all through the weekend.”


Hull said  the showers should tapper off late Friday, but before they do the area can expect rain totals between ½” and 1”.  By this weekend, we’ll see occasional showers mixed in with dryer weather.  Hull said he does not see temperatures dropping anytime soon, which means an elevated snow level.


“So far for the water year we’re doing pretty well in the Cascades and much of the Columbia Basin.  With theses warm temperatures of course, we’re not adding much to the snowpack, because the snow levels are basically over 4,000’ and in some cases over 5,000’.”


Hull added soil temperatures could climb in to the upper 40s over the next couple of days, which he says is good news for wheat, canola and other dryland growers.




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