Last year a federal judge in Portland required an Environmental Impact Study of the Snake River dams, looking at hour the four dams impact the water, fish and other components of the environment.  Many in the agriculture community are concerned this review will be used to eventually remove the four dams.  Alex McGregor, president of the McGregor Company said the argument that the damns are not environmentally friends does not hold water.

Alex McGregor #1


“You can move a ton of cargo far further on a barge with a gallon of fuel then you can on rail, and especially on truck.  So, if we’re concerned about greenhouse gasses, we should use our most efficient system.”


McGregor noted wise stewardship efforts have led to great news for salmon and other fish that swim the Snake.


“But together, we have worked and brought the fish back and it’s really exciting to see over a period of multiple years solid information that our iconic fish are coming back in ever bigger numbers.”


Comments on the Snake River Dams will be accepted through Tuesday February 7th.  To make your thoughts known on the four Snake River dams, visit the Columbia River System Operations Website.






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