As we prepare to wrap up the first month of the year, the weather remains unchanged.


Gray and cool.


National Weather Service meteorologist Marilyn Lohmann said much of the month was in a holding pattern with a mix of clouds and fog, but very little precipitation.  But the storms that rolled through in the middle portion of the month were a big help.


“Much of the Columbia Basin is seeing slightly above normal precipitation through the month of January.  But, unfortunately northern Washington, as well as the Cascades, and the extreme southeast corner of Washington have only seen 70%-90% of normal.”


Lohmann noted the Cascades snowpack is running a little behind where it should be for this time of year.  She noted the clouds and fog will continue through Friday, but as we prepare to head into February, things will change.


“And then we’re looking for a weather pattern change, out into early February.  And it should bring below normal temperatures and near to normal precipitation.  I’m not saying we’re going to get some real arctic air in, but it definitely will be colder then we have seen in a while.”





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