2019 is well underway now, but one expert says there's still time to take a look at our finances and actually see where we stand.  Rutgers University Financial Expert Barbara O'Neil said it's sometimes hard for many of us to set goals if we don't really have a grip on where we stand with our finances.

So, to help us with that, "We have a financial fitness quiz on our website here at Rutgers, and there's a couple other places as well,” O’Neil said.  “You take one of those assessments and kinda see where your areas of weakness are. That might give you some guidance for what to do to kinda beef up your finances."

O'Neil added you don't want to overwhelm yourself, and look at things you can realiisticly accomplish for the upcoming year.  She recommends going online and take part in Rutgers' Financial Fitness Quiz.


"Most of the country the weather's pretty lousy anyway. You're gonna be stuck in doors, it's a good time to do some of these financial activities."


Click Here to participate in Rutgers’ Financial Fitness Quiz.



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