An investigation into possible overpayments by the Washington Apple Commission by the Washington State Auditor’s Office for more than $500,000.


Fraud Manager Sarah Walker said their suggestions for the Commission could work for anyone.


“It essentially boiled down to having the Apple Commission further improve their internal processes by making sure they have all the documentation they need to verify payment. One of those is to essentially spot check from the subcontractors.”


The SCS Group, the group accused of overcharging the Apple Commission, said they were merely combining invoices from subcontractors into a single bill which is why there are discrepancies.


Walker said they know that the group worked with other commissions in the Northwest, but couldn’t confirm if there were problems with other agencies.


“That was really probably the #1 recommendation I would have for those other commissions. Make sure that the subcontractors can validate the invoice information, the amounts billed and that the services were actually performed.”


Walker said you can also help mitigate any concerns by training staff on invoicing.


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