Whenever discussing direct seed or no-till efforts, one of the early questions is around the use of technology, and if it can be incorporated with existing equipment.  Jason Wilson is a precision specialist with ATI, he said much of the technology, has been around for 12-plus years, making it easy to integrate with existing equipment.


“Steering a combine or steering a tractor has become, not necessarily evolved, it’s just become more wide spread and more and more people have gotten on it.  That has enabled the farmer to become more proficient in his field, the GPS allows the farmer to apply those products at a precise location, determined by what the ground needs and then, go at it.”


Wilson said technology and equipment is not brand specific, meaning it can be installed on John Deere, Case I-H, Farmall and many others.  He said it’s important that operators interested in the upgrade are in it for the long haul.


“So, most farmers and growers think that Variable Rate Application they’re actually going to save money when they apply their fertilizer.  That may not be the case.  The case may be you’re going to spend the same amount of money on the fertilizer, but you’re going to apply that fertilizer where it needs to go more efficiently."



If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekradio.com

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