Idaho Producers Asked To Participate In Rates Survey
University of Idaho Extension is asking farmers to participate in the Idaho Custom Rates Guide, a survey focused on pay rates for custom work. Payment rates in the guide will be updated based on survey responses from farmers who performed custom work, or hired custom work. UI Agricultural Economist Brett Wilder said the hope is this survey will answer some of the most common questions Extension educators hear.
“‘Hey, I'm going to go bale my neighbor's hay. What's a reasonable price to charge?’ or ‘Hey I'm having a contract negotiation with a guy to disc all my fields. What's the market rate?’ ... the best way we have to answer those questions is to run a survey and talk to people and ask them ‘Hey, where are you at on this? Did you do last? What do you expect to charge for these services?”
Wilder said the Idaho farming community can help by taking time to participate.
“The last time this report was done was in 2019, they only had about 60 responses, and so the more people that that answer this survey, the better tool it is. And there's a great deal of industry stakeholders that ask us for this all the time.”
Surveys can be done On-Line, or on paper, and should be completed by February 28th. Farmers that want to take a paper survey are asked to E-mail Wilder.
Wilder added those who complete the survey may elect to be entered into a raffle for two $50 Amazon gift cards.
If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail glenn.vaagen@townsquaremedia.com
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