With temperatures dropping below freezing, maintenance of your irrigation equipment becomes even more important.  Before we see temperatures drop in to the teens or single digits, Mike Ellis with Lad Irrigation said it’s important to drain all water lines.  He noted water collects in low spots, and when it freezes, the water expands breaking multiple components.


“The waterline comes out of the ground, there’s a 90 that leads up to the riser.  That riser has pre-built drain plugs in it.  They need to take that drain out, water will settle right there.  And of course at the end of the machine there’s a four inch drain plug sand trap kind of a deal, you’ll want to pull that out and drain any water.”


Ellis added it works best not only to drain your lines, but to blow them out as well.  And he said once cleared of water, leave the plugs out so air can flow through the lines over the winter.



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