After month of increases oil prices and fuel prices have remained relatively flat over the past couple of weeks.  Dan McTeague with the exception in most communities, is diesel.  He said diesel prices continue to move higher, which McTeague said is atypical for this time of year.


“Diesel has become the choice of many other countries, America is now exporting a lot of diesel, it’s a sign usually of a strengthening global economy but also a domestic one.  It tends to reflect more transportation, a greater amount of exports to countries that are only too willing to purchase our products, in particular Mexico.”


McTeague said oil prices and fuel prices could start moving higher very soon.  And he said that upward movement could start as soon as Friday.


“OPEC and several other non-OPEC nations agreed to limit the amount of oil that they were producing in response to the fatal mistake by OPEC back a few years ago to try to shake down out shale producers, has led to a possible balancing of supply and demand.”


As far as the lowest diesel prices are concerned right now:

  • $3.69 a gallon in the Tri-Cities
  • $3.49 a gallon in Wenatchee
  • $3.49 a gallon in Moses Lake
  • $3.89 a gallon in Walla Walla
  • $3.59 a gallon in Ephrata
  • $3.33 a gallon in Pendelton
  • $3.18 a gallon in Yakima





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