In 2018, Franklin County is launching a Cost Share Program to help land owners better maintain their property while trying to limit the spread of noxious weeds.  Todd Harris, Noxious Weed Control Board Coordinator, said this should encourage wheat and cattle farmers to be more proactive.


“Encouraging getting a little more spraying done and some noxious weeds and infested areas.  It’s more geared to the eastern portion of the County, but not necessarily limited to it,  but that’s kind of our target area.  Along the Snake River.”


Harris told the Washington Ag Network they had a similar, but smaller program last year, paid by grant funds.  But he said to get better results year after year, he wanted the Cost Share Program to become a dependable fixture.


“I though it we have a little bit of funds in our budget to do this, this would be a good way to encourage guys to do a little bit more.”


The sign-up period runs from Wednesday December 27th through January 31st.  Those interested will need to take the Tax ID number to the Noxious Weed Control Board at 502 Boeing in Pasco.



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