There is a myth out there Europeans look down on American commodities as not safe or wholesome, but Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue said that is not the case in his conversations in Europe this week.


Perdue gave one example of being in a Costco in Madrid.


“I asked the Spanish customers how they viewed U.S. food. They frankly have good opinions and want more of it but we are prohibited from dairy and poultry and other products and bringing those in.”


Perdue blamed the myth on government officials and other leaders who are trying to discourage importing American products.


So, Perdue had conversations with the leadership of several European countries about the restrictions.


“Why don’t we be transparent about what these products consist of in a fair labeling way and let the consumers make the choice over the value and their values. They may not be the same as some regulator would like them to have but we think many of these things have been done in a protectionist way.”


Perdue said trade should be done by looking at sound science and not through the political eye.

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